php csv

Only problem with fgetcsv(), at least in PHP 4.x -- any stray slash in the data that happens to come before a double-quote delimiter will break it -- ie, cause the field delimiter to be escaped. I can't find a direct way to deal with it, since fgetcsv

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  • Only problem with fgetcsv(), at least in PHP 4.x -- any stray slash in the data that happe...
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  • the solution for how to solve the encoding problem while converting an array to csv file i...
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  • PHP 讀取 CSV 檔案 & 存入資料庫 最近因為某些任務,常常用到 CSV 要匯入資料庫的動作, 這個好像蠻常用的,貼出來跟大家分享一下~ <?php heade...
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  • fgetcsv() - Gets line from file pointer and parse for CSV fields ... As the str_getcsv(), ...
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  • Must be greater than the longest line (in characters) to be found in the CSV file (allowin...
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  • I grabbed a sample CSV file with 50,000 rows (10 columns each) and Vulcan Logic Disassembl...
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  • 2011年6月9日 - PHP 可以將陣列直接轉成檔案- fputcsv(), 但是卻無法直接轉出CSV 的字串, 所以寫了Array to CSV 的Function 來用. ...
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  • 2013年1月28日 - 用PHP 讀csv 檔,沒想到還有專用的函式XD 用法是先fopen() ,然後再用fgetcsv() 一行一行抓進來,每行都會存成一個array 。 ...
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  • 2010年8月24日 - [Tips] 用PHP產生CSV檔案並下載. 其實就是這樣, 要產生CSV格式的檔案, 就用fputs照格式隔開, -t是位移符號(tab), -n是換...
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